About Desirable Things
Edited by: Barbara Brondi & Marco Rainò
Languages: Italian and English texts
Dimension: 17.0 x 24.0 cm
Pages: 40
1st edition: 04/2014
Desire lies at the essence of every human existence and it defines the relationship between subjects and objects by generating a mutual recognition of individual identities.
For the exhibition “Desiderabilia – About Desirable Things” Barbara Brondi & Marco Rainò asked 25 international designers to design their own personal “object of desire”: these objects have been exhibited in a dreamlike “Wünschenkammer” setting, useful to stimulate a consideration about the concepts of pleasure and happiness.
“Desiderabilia” is an experiment, an acknowledgement and a survey on the conditionings that more or less unconsciously steer our individual choices and ambitions.
The book “Desiderabilia – About Desirable Things”, through many illustration and an important critical apparatus, presents the contents of the group exhibition of the same name produced by IN Residence and hosted in Ventura Lambrate during the Milan Design Week 2014.