Edited by: Barbara Brondi & Marco Rainò
Publisher: Corraini Edizioni
Languages: Italian and English texts
Dimension: 17.0 x 24.0 cm
Pages: 192
1st edition: 04/2017
ISBN: 978-88-7570-646-3
“Imaginative Rituals” is the theme that guides the tenth chapter in the explorations of the IN Residence Diaries project. The volume brings us to the remarkable milestone of a tenth title in a series of publications that over time have narrated and paid tribute to the ability of contemporary design to formulate meaningful critical reflections on society, its rituals and its practices. In the book, designers are invited to consider common action as ritual heritage and to reflect on the objects differently linked to daily and collective activities, experimenting in the creation of possible rituals, incorporating the values to associate with objects or actions.
The book also offers the opportunity to deepen the thought and work of the designers who took part in the tenth edition of the series of workshops produced by IN Residence.